Monday, March 12, 2012

Baby Kozolchyk {Love Kids: Charley}

So my last post was about the Kozolchyk family a few months ago and if you remember Deta was pregnant with her second child, this time a girl. Well Charley was born and I got the pleasure to take new born pictures of her. I never really got into newborn pictures because newborns make me very nervous. I know that sounds silly considering I am the mother to a 3 year old, who YES was once a newborn. But even then I was really scared. They are just so fragile. I don't mind holding them but I get scared when it comes to arranging them for photos. I have a few friends that are photographers though and they take amazing pictures of newborns and make it look so easy so I thought I would give it a try. Although I was still scared, It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be :))) Charley was so precious and tiny. Deta was a lovely help though. The shoot took place at her home inside and in teh backyard. The sun was going down so we got some lovely lighting in the backyard.

As Deta was feeding Charley before we got started I saw this seat she used at her computer and I noticed the vines and leaves covering her back wall outside with pretty flowers surrounding, I thought it would be perfect for our first shots. When Charley was ready we got her nakie and started out shoot. She did amazing!!! She actually posed for a while before she even let out a peep. She was a tad antsy, as I would be if I were her, so she was moving around a little but we managed to capture some good outside pictures of her. The one above was actually the very first picture I shot of her outside. It was perfect.

 As it started to get colder outside, we decided to move the shoot indoors so she could stay warm. As Deta was changing her outfit I managed to snap a cute picture of her laying on her blanket which actually ended up being used as her announcement picture! Her adorable little face just made me smile.

When I first got to the house I noticed this huge Teddy Bear that I thought would make for a good photo companion. I was determined to use him at least once during the shoot. We got a little setup in front of the window but Charley wasn't feeling laying with the stuffed animals. Again, can't blame her right? But crying babies are still so cute so I still love the picture!!! This is the first time I got to take pictures of the baby before she was born and then again after she entered the world so this was a ncie moment for me. Thank you Deta for letting me have the opportunity to work with you again and shoot your new edition, Charley. I will always remember this photoshoot!