Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Kozolchyk Family {Love Family: Calabasas Lake}

I hadn't taken family portraits in a while so I was excited when I had a free photoshoot give-away on my facebook page and Deta won and wanted family pictures. The ironic part was that I had not had pictures of me and my boyfriend and our son since my son was three months old and my dad was in town and he is pretty handy with a camera so we found a spot in Calabasas at the community lake that was perfect for my family pictures and Christmas Card. I immediately text Deta and changed our origina location to here. So I had my faimly portraits taken and then a few hours later went back to take pictures of Deta's family.

Deta was a friend of some friends I had met while in a mom's group a few years ago. When I had mentioned the free give away on my fb page, a friend of ours had immediately mentioned Deta should get it. The give away was going to the first response to the status. Our friend immediately told Deta and  she was the first to officially comment showing interest. What was cool was that I guess she was just telling someone she wanted family pictures but couldn't afford to get them done, so I felt very good being able to get these done for her free of charge. She was pregnant too so I got to do a mini maternity shoot while we were at it too. A two in one for both of us. The pictures were also right before the holidays too so she got to use one for a holiday card. This was so meant to be. I love when friend refer new people to me. No better way to build clientel. Thank you Deta and Family for being a part of the Love Always family. xoxo